Research projects under Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
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Nov 29, 2022 - Shaliza Ibrahim
Shaliza Ibrahim; Akhbari, Azam, 2022, "Related data for: Pilot scale development of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket fixed-film reactor for hydrogen production from palm oil mill effluent",, Universiti Malaya Research Data Repository, V2, UNF:6:Iu4PPSd02NrlKTJm+uOnKQ== [fileUNF]
This project aims to quantify and analyze biohydrogen production from POME with batch and continuous systems in the UASFF reactor at laboratory and pilot scales, and to assess the feasibility of further development of this system from the perspective of industrial scale operation...
Shaliza Ibrahim(Universiti Malaya)
Nov 25, 2022
Research data for projects under Prof Dr Shaliza Ibrahim
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